

Division NameTelephoneFax
Alternative Project Delivery(501) 569-2247
Arkansas Highway Police(501) 569-2421(501) 569-4999
Benefits and Compensation(501) 569-2411(501) 569-2551
Bridge(501) 569-2361(501) 569-2623
Bridge Operations(501) 569-2601
Civil Rights(501) 569-2298
Communications(501) 569-2227
Construction(501) 569-2251
Environmental(501) 569-2281(501) 569-2009
Equipment and Procurement(501) 569-2667(501) 569-2679
Fiscal Services(501) 569-2411(501) 569-2551
Governmental Relations(501) 569-2227
Human Resources(501) 569-2296(501) 569-2664
Information Technology(501) 569-2436(501) 569-2370
Internal Audit(501) 569-2237(501) 569-2399
Legal(501) 569-2112(501) 569-2164
Local Programs(501) 435-3255
Maintenance(501) 569-2661(501) 569-2014
Materials(501) 569-2185(501) 569-2368
Planning & Research(501) 569-2201
Program Management(501) 569-2262(501) 569-2623
Right of Way(501) 569-2311(501) 569-2018
Roadway Design(501) 569-2336
Special Projects Coordinator(501) 569-2946
State Aid(501) 569-2346(501) 569-2348
Surveys(501) 569-2341(501) 569-2344
Transportation Systems Management & Operations (TSMO)(501) 569-2300