Bridge Bid Tabulations

Bridge Jobs Let to Contract

wdt_ID District Let Date Job Number Description Bridge ID A Bridge ID B Bridge ID C Bridge ID D Bridge ID E Bridge ID F
1 1 09/16/2020 110616 McNulty Lake, Spring & Hog Tusk Creeks Strs. & Apprs. (S) 07472
2 3 09/16/2020 030497 Mill & Bodcau Creeks Strs. & Apprs. (S) 07483 07484
3 3 09/16/2020 030501 Saline & Caddo Rivers Strs. & Apprs. (S) 07440 07441 07442
4 7 09/16/2020 CA0706 Airport Dr. - Hwy. 82B Widening (S) 07410
5 10 09/16/2020 101000 Village Creek Str. & Apprs. (S) 07498
6 9 09/05/2020 BR0406 Osage Creek Str. & Apprs. No. 2 (S) 04943
7 9 09/05/2020 090472 Little Sugar & Tanyard Creeks Strs. & Apprs. (S) 07480 07481
8 9 09/05/2020 090502 Piney Creek Str. & Apprs. (S) 07485
9 9 08/05/2020 090551 Locust Creek Str. & Apprs. (S) 07495
10 2 06/24/2020 020589 Bayou Bartholomew Str. & Apprs. (S) 07453
11 4 06/24/2020 040622 Washington Co. Line - South Strs. & Apprs. (S) 07448 07449 07450 07450
12 6 06/24/2020 061507 Palarm Creek Str. & Apprs. (S) 07436
13 7 06/24/2020 070375 Alsobrook Slough Str. & Apprs. (S) 07471
14 10 06/24/2020 100840 Ditch Nos. 1 & 47 Strs. & Apprs. (S) 07473
15 3 05/13/2020 030458 Little Missouri River and Relief Strs. & Apprs. (S) 06347 07479 03095
16 8 05/13/2020 080529 Hector, Isabell & Alewine Creeks Strs. & Apprs. (S) 07474
17 7 04/01/2020 CA0704 Hwy. 79 - South (Widening) (S) A7400 B7400
18 8 02/26/2020 080504 Deer Creek Str. & Apprs. (S) 07432
19 6 & 8 01/08/2020 012318 Middle Fork Saline River & Dry Run Creek Strs. & Apprs. (S) 07464 07465
20 7 01/08/2020 070418 Halfway Creek Strs. & Apprs. (S) 07475
21 7 01/08/2020 CA0705 Co. Rd. 27 - Hwy. 79 (Widening) (S) 07409
22 1 11/06/2019 110574 Hwy. 350 Strs. & Apprs. (S) 07444 07445 07446 07447
23 1 11/06/2019 110617 Fifteenmile & Cutoff Bayou Str. & Apprs. (S) 07467 07468
24 6 11/06/2019 R60140 Hwy. 70 East - Hwy.7 North (F) 07460, 07456 B7461, 07457 07462, B7458 B7206, 07459 B7207 07455
25 7 11/06/2019 070380 Haynes Creek Str. & Apprs. (S) 07466
District Let Date Job Number Description Bridge ID A Bridge ID B Bridge ID C Bridge ID D Bridge ID E Bridge ID F