Standard Specifications

Our division administers all contracted highway projects primarily through the 31 Resident Engineers located statewide.

Standard Specifications

Arkansas 2014 Standard Specification for Highway Construction

Standard Specifications

Arkansas 2014 Standard Specification for Highway Construction

Errata to 2014 Edition Standard Specifications for Highway Construction (Rev. 9/13/18)

Division 100 – General Provisions

Division 200 – Site Preparation and Earthwork

Division 300 – Bases and Granular Surfaces

Division 400 – Asphalt Pavements

Division 500 – Rigid Pavement

Division 600 – Incidental Construction

Division 700 – Traffic Control Facilities

Division 800 – Structures

2014 Summary of Changes

Supplemental Specifications and Special Provisions to Arkansas’ 2014 Standard Specifications for Highway Construction

ERRATA for the 2014 Edition Standard Specifications for Highway Construction (Rev. 9/13/18)

Posters and Notices Required for Federal-aid Projects (Rev. 8/22/17)

The Wage Rate Determination SS is listed by county.  Go to  to find the information.

Training Program (Rev. 6/27/11)

Goals for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Participation 
(for Federal Aid projects with assigned DBE goals) (Rev. 12/13/16)

Documentation of Payments Made to Disadvantaged Business Enterprises 
(for Federal Aid projects without assigned DBE goals) (Date 12/13/16)

SP-105-4 (Maintenance During Construction) (11/09/21)

SP-107-2 (Restraining Conditions) (11/09/21)

SP-108-1 (Liquidated Damages) (12/06/18)

SS-100-3 (Contractor’s License) (10/2/20)

SS-100-4 (Department Name Change) (11/16/17)

SS-102-2 (Issuance of Proposals) (11/16/17)

SS-108-2 (Work Allowed Prior to Issuance of Work Order) (11/16/17)

SS-108-3 (Work Order For Fixed Completion Date Contracts) (9/21/2023)

SS-110-1 (Protection of Water Quality and Wetlands) (4/11/19)

SS-210-1 (Unclassified Excavation) (2/27/20) 

SS-303-1 (Aggregate Base Course) (11/16/17)

SS-306-1 (Quality Control and Acceptance) (12/06/18)

SP-307-1 (Cement) (11/09/21)

SP-308-1 (Cement) (11/09/21)

SS-400-1 (Tack Coats) (11/16/17)

SS-400-2 (Asphalt Surface Treatment) (5/16/19)

SS-400-4 (6/29/2023) (Design and Quality Control of Asphalt Mixtures)

SS-400-4 (1/17/24) (Design and Quality Control of Asphalt Mixtures)

SS-400-5 (Percent Air Voids for ACHM Mix Designs) (4/2/18)

SS-400-6 (Liquid Anti-Strip Additive) (2/27/20)

SS-400-7 (Trackless Tack) (9/28/20)

SS-404-3 (Design of Asphalt Mixtures) (2/27/20)

SS-410-1 (Construction Requirements and Acceptance of Asphalt Concrete Plant Mix Courses)(11/29/17)

SS-410-2 (Devices for Measuring Density for Rolling Patterns) (10/25/18)

SS-410-3 (Density Testing for ACHM Leveling Courses and Bond Breakers) (11/09/21)

SS-410-4 (Evaluation of ACHM Sublot Replacement Material) (11/09/21)

SS-416-1 (Recycled Asphalt Pavement) (6/26/2023)

SP-501-2 (Cement) (11/09/21)

SP-501-3 (Portland Cement Concrete Pavement) (8/1/2024)

SS-502-1 (Welded Wire Reinforcement) (9/25/20)

SS-505-1 (Portland Cement Concrete Driveway) (4/27/18)

SS-510-1 (Grinding Portland Cement Concrete Pavement) (2/27/20)

SS-600-2 (Incidental Construction) (10/25/18)

SS-603-1 (Lane Closure Notification) (11/7/19)

SS-604-1 (Retroreflective Sheeting for Traffic Control Devices in Construction Zones)(11/16/17)

SS-604-3 (Traffic Control Devices in Construction Zones (MASH)) (2/27/20)

SS-605-1 (Concrete Ditch Paving) (3/12/19)

SS-606-1 (Pipe Culverts for Side Drains) (11/16/17)

SS-617-1 (Guardrail Terminal (Type 2) (7/6/18)

SS-620-1 (Mulch Cover) (11/29/17)

SS-621-1 (Filter Socks) (11/16/17)

SS-632-1 (Concrete Island) (3/12/19)

SS-633-1 (Concrete Walks, Concrete Steps, and Hand Railing) (3/12/19)

SS-634-1 (Curbing) (3/12/19)

SS-700-2 (Traffic Control Facilities) (10/25/18)

SS-723-1 (General Requirements for Signs) (10/25/18)

SS-729-1 (Channel Post Sign Support) (2/27/20)

SS-730-1 (Breakaway Sign Support) (2/27/20)

SS-732-1 (Crash Cushion) (12/18/18)

SS-734-1 (Bridge End Terminal) (2/28/19)

SS-800-1 (Structures) (9/13/18)

SS-802-2 (Concrete for Structures) (11/16/17)

SS-802-3 (Concrete for Structures) (10/25/18)

SS-802-4 (Cement) (11/09/21)

SS-802-5 (Concrete for Structures) (8/1/2024)

SS-804-2 (Reinforcing Steel for Structures) (4/11/19)

SS-807-2 (Steel Structures) (2/27/20)

SS-808-1 (Installation of Elastomeric Bearings (10/25/18)

SS-808-2 (Elastomeric Bearings) (12/6/18)

Arkansas 2003 Standard Specification for Highway Construction

Errata to 2003 Edition Standard Specifications for Highway Construction

Division 100 – General Provisions

Division 200 – Site Preparation and Earthwork

Division 300 – Bases and Granular Surfaces

Division 400 – Asphalt Pavements

Division 500 – Rigid Pavement

Division 600 – Incidental Construction

Division 700 – Traffic Control Facilities

Division 800 – Structures

Supplemental Specifications and Special Provisions to Arkansas’ 2003 Standard Specifications for Highway Construction

ERRATA for the 2003 Edition Standard Specifications for Highway Construction (Rev. 4/15/04)

Posters and Notices Required for Federal-aid Projects (Rev. 9/16/13)

The Wage Rate Determination SS is listed by county.  Go to  [email protected] to request a current copy.

Training Program (Rev. 01/21/10)

Goals for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Participation (for Federal Aid projects with assigned DBE goals) (Rev. 11/20/08)

Document of Payment Made to Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (for Federal Aid projects without assigned DBE goals) (Date 11/20/08)

SS-100-1 Required Contract Provisions for State Construction Jobs (Rev. 8/18/10)

SS-100-2 Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH) (Date 8/18/10)

SS-102-1 Bidding Requirements and Conditions (Date 2/10/12)

SS-103-1 Determination of DBE Participation  (Rev. 2/2/04)

SS-105-1 Construction Control Markings (Date 6/16/03)

SS-105-2 Equipment and Material Storage on Bridge Structures (Rev. 2/15/12)

SS-105-3 Control of Work (Date 5/3/12)

SS-107-1 Worker Visibility (Rev. 9/4/08)

SP-108-1 Liquidated Damages (Date 1/28/13) (for jobs after January 2013)

 Liquidated Damages (Date 1/6/11) (for jobs after January 2011)

SP-108-1 Liquidated Damages (Date 12/3/08) (for jobs after December 2008)

SP-108-1 Liquidated Damages (Date 4/12/07) (for jobs after April 2007)

SP-108-1 Liquidated Damages (Date 1/9/03) (for jobs prior to February 2005)

SP-108-1 Liquidated Damages (Date 1/6/05) (for jobs after January 2005)

SS-110-1 Protection of Water Quality and Wetlands (Date 2/26/2009)

SS-303-1 Aggregate Base Course (Date 1/11/07)

SS-403-1 Polymer/Latex Modified Cationic Emulsified Asphalt for Asphalt Surface Treatments (Date 5/3/12)

SS-404-1 Production Verification of Asphalt Concrete Hot Mix (Date 6/23/05)

SS-404-2 Design and Quality Control of Asphalt Mixtures (6/14/12)

SS-409-1 Mineral Aggregates (Rev. 6/11/08)

SS-410-3 Density Testing for ACHM Leveling Courses and Bond Breakers (Date 9/10/08)

SS-411-1 Asphalt Concrete Cold Plant Mix (Rev. 4/14/10)

SS-501-1 Installation of Tie Bars (Date 12/15/11)

SS-507-1 Installation of Dowel Bars and Tie Bars (Date 11/20/08)

SS-600-1 Water for Vegetation (Date 5/6/05)

SS-603-1 Maintenance of Traffic (Rev. 3/11/10)

SS-604-1 Retroreflective Sheeting for Traffic Control Devices in Construction Zones (Date 6/2/03)

SS-604-2 Inspection of Traffic Control Devices in Construction Zones (Date 5/3/12)

SS-606-1 Pipe Culverts for Side Drains (Date 11/18/04)

SS-606-2 Pipe Culverts (Date 8/20/09)

SS-620-1 Mulch Cover (Date 10/31/13)

SS-711-1 Concrete Pull Box (Rev. 8/20/09)

SS-712-1 Design and Material Requirements for Span Wire Support Poles (Rev. 6/3/08)

SS-714-1 Design and Material Requirements for Traffic Signal Mast Arms and Poles (Rev. 6/3/08)

SS-715-1 Design and Materials Requirements for Traffic Signal Pedestal Poles (Rev. 6/3/08)

SS-718-2 Reflectorized Paint Pavement Markings (Date 8/20/09)

SS-719-2 Thermoplastic Pavement Marking Material (Date 6/12/08)

SS-720-1 Permanent Pavement Marking Tape (Date 12/15/11)

SS-723-1 General Requirements for Signs (Date 7/14/06)

SS-804-1 Installation of Dowel Bars and Tie Bars (Date 12/15/11)

SS-807-1 Paint Color (Date 11/16/06)

SS-821-1 Installation of Dowel Bars and Tie Bars (Date 12/15/11)

Standard Specifications for all State DOTs

Library for all State DOTs