Bid No. | Tab | Mowing | Opening Date | Description | Buyer | Awarded |
M-14-588R (A) 2003 Specs. (B) Addendum (C) |
Tab (D) |
Mowing (E) |
August 6, 2013 (F) |
10 Items – Decals (G) FOB: Little Rock (H) |
KR (I) |
00/00/2000 (J) Rejected (K) Readv. (L) Cancelled (M) |
The Bid Opening Page is an Excel spreadsheet with 7 columns. It is listed in descending order by the bid opening date. It starts with the most recent bid opening date and runs back to the beginning of the fiscal year. The following information is a detailed description of this page and the information that it contains. The links in the information below refer to the example above. If you want to return to the example in order to get a better understanding, simply click on the link (Example ?) that follows the information being discussed.
The first column is headed “Bid No.“. In this column, you will find the bid or contract number (Example A), according to which type of bid it is, any special specifications that are not part of the bid or contract itself (Example B), and any updates (Addendums) (Example C) that have been posted to the respective bid or contract. Most all bids and contracts come with all the specifications and information already attached to the bid itself. If there is only a bid number in the cell, then all specifications are already attached to it. These selections will be highlighted in blue hypertext (Example A, B & C). In order to view or print the bid or contract, click on the hypertext of the bid or contract number. After viewing or printing the bid or contract information be sure and click on any other hypertext that is in the same cell as the bid or contract information you just viewed or printed, as this will be additional specifications or Addendums for that bid or contract. There are five basic types of bids. Here is an example of each:
- M-03-021R This bid starts with the letter “M”, which is the Highway Department designation for a regular bid, followed by a dash and the fiscal year in which it was bid (2003), then a second dash and the sequence number of the bid in that particular year’s bid register (#21) followed by the letter of the buyer’s name that the bid belongs to (Rankin).
- H-00-100P This bid starts with the letter “H”, which is the Highway Department designation for a regular contract, followed by a dash and the fiscal year in which it was bid (2000), then a second dash and the sequence number of the contract in that particular year’s contract register (#100) followed by the letter of the buyer’s name that the contract belongs to (Pate).
- RFP-02-03P This bid starts with the letters “RFP”, which is the Highway Department designation for a Request For Proposal, followed by a dash and the fiscal year in which it was bid (2002), then a second dash and the sequence number of the bid in that year’s RFP register (#3) followed by the letter of the buyer’s name that the contract belongs to (Pate).
- PT-99-01 This bid starts with the letters “PT”, which is the Highway Department designation for a Public Transportation bid, followed by a dash and the fiscal year in which it was bid (1999), then a second dash and the sequence number of the bid in that particular year’s Public Transportation bid register (#1). This bid is not followed by a letter designation for the buyer because it is administered by the Public Transportation Division.
The second column is headed “Tab“. In this column, you will find the tabulation of the bid. These selections are also highlighted in hypertext. Tabulations are posted within one or two days after the bid is opened. If it is past the date and time of the bid opening that you are interested in and the cell is empty then the tabulations are not ready for viewing. Once they are ready for viewing the word “Tab” will be placed in this column (Example D). In order to view or print the tabulation, click on the hypertext.
The third column is headed “Mowing“. In this column, you will find the word “Mowing” if the bid is a mowing contract (Example E).
The fourth column is headed “Opening Date“. In this column, you will find the date (Example F) that the bid opens.
The fifth column is headed “Description“. In this column, you will find a brief description of the item bid (Example G) and the FOB location or locations (Example H).
The sixth column is headed “Buyer“. In this column, you will find the initials of the buyer (Example I) that the bid belongs to.
The seventh column is headed “Awarded“. In this column, you will see what kind of action has been taken on the bid. Action can be one of the following:
- Awarded There will be a red highlight that contains the award date in this spot (Example J). This means the bid has been awarded. You can click on the “Tab” link (Example D) and scroll to the bottom of the tab to see the award.
- Rejected There will be a red highlight that contains “Rejected” (Example K). This means all bids were rejected and no further recommendation has been made. You can click on the “Tab” link (Example D) and scroll to the bottom of the tab to see the explanation.
- Re-advertise There will be a red highlight that contains “Re-advertise”. (Example L). This means all bids were rejected and it has been recommended to re-advertise under revised conditions or specifications. You can click on the “Tab” link (Example D) and scroll to the bottom of the tab to see the explanation.
- Canceled There will be a red highlight that contains “Cancelled” (Example M). This means the bid was canceled prior to bid opening.