Intersection Improvement Program (IIP)

Intersection Improvement Program (IIP)

Local Programs Division
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (479) 360-7161

Program Information

ARDOT’s Intersection Improvement Program provides funds for projects in unincorporated areas and cities with less than 200,000 populations. Municipalities within the urbanized boundary of a federally designated Transportation Management Area must seek funding availabilities from the corresponding Metropolitan Planning Organization.

Program Funding

Eligible projects on the State Highway System include construction of new traffic signals, upgrade of existing traffic signals, intersection improvements, roundabouts, signal coordination, etc. Intersection must meet Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) signalization warrants to qualify for program funding. Projects are typically 80% Federal-aid, 10% State, and 10% Local match.

◆ $1,000,000 Maximum Federal-aid per project

ArDOT prepares plans, awards the construction contract, and inspects each project as an eligible project expense. Eligible sponsors can request this funding at any time.

View some of our Intersection Improvement Program projects: [1] [2] [3]

IIP Flyer