Jacqueline Hou, P.E.
Senior Transportation Planning Engineer
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (501) 569-2985
The Transportation Performance Management (TPM) framework underpins the way that the Federal government oversees collective investments of Federal funds in surface transportation infrastructure and services. The Performance Management team helps coordinate ARDOT’s efforts to meet TPM regulations.
National Performance Measures
In July 2012, Congress passed the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) and created a performance-based surface transportation program. The Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act), signed into law in December 2015, continued and refined those efforts. MAP-21 and the FAST Act integrated performance into many Federal surface transportation programs.
States and MPOs are now required to develop Performance Measure (PM) targets for the following categories.
- PM 1 – Safety
- Number of Fatalities
- Rate of Fatalities per 100 million Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT)
- Number of Serious Injuries
- Rate of Serious Injuries per 100 million VMT
- Number of Non-motorized Fatalities and Non-motorized Serious Injuries
- PM2 – Pavement and Bridges on the NHS
- Percentage of Interstate Pavements in Good Condition
- Percentage of Interstate Pavements in Poor Condition
- Percentage of Non-Interstate NHS Pavements in Good Condition
- Percentage of Non-Interstate NHS Pavements in Poor Condition
- Percentage of NHS Bridges by Deck Area in Good Condition
- Percentage of NHS Bridges by Deck Area in Poor Condition
- PM3 – System Reliability, Freight, Congestion, and Air Quality
- Percent of reliable person-miles traveled on the Interstate System
- Percent of reliable person-miles traveled on the Non-Interstate NHS
- Truck Travel Time Reliability Index on the Interstate System
- Total emissions reductions by applicable pollutants under the CMAQ program *
- Annual hours of peak hour excessive delay per capita *
- Percent of non-single occupancy vehicle travel *
(*only applies to MPOs serving a transportation management area with a population greater than one million representing a nonattainment or maintenance area, which only includes the West Memphis MPO in Arkansas)
FHWA Performance Dashboard (Arkansas)