Maintenance Requires Lane Closures in Garland County

GARLAND COUNTY (7-7) – Maintenance operations require temporary lane closures in
Garland County, according to Arkansas Department of Transportation (ARDOT) officials.
Weather permitting, maintenance crews will perform sealcoat application operations on the
following highways:

  • Monday, July 6 – Wednesday, July 8 Highway 227 | Alternating Lane closures
    between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. near Pearcy beginning at Highway 70, extending
    north for three miles; and
  • Thursday, July 9 – Thursday, July 23 Highway 298 | Alternating Lane closures
    between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. beginning at the Montgomery County line, extending
    east for 13 miles.

The highways will remain open during the work. Lower advisory speed limits will be posted,
due to the loose gravel for the first day of application in each area.

Traffic will be controlled by traffic cones and signage. Drivers should exercise caution when
approaching and traveling through all highway work zones. Additional travel information
can be found at or You can also follow us on Twitter

NR 20-189