UPDATE – New Long-Term Traffic Pattern Delayed: Reconstructed I-30 Eastbound Ramp to 6th and 9th Streets Opens July 7 in Little Rock

PULASKI COUNTY (7-7) – I-30 eastbound traffic in Little Rock will temporarily use the newly reconstructed exit ramp to 6th and 9th Streets this weekend, but will close again afterwards so that paving work can be completed, according to Arkansas Department of Transportation (ARDOT) officials.

The Interstate off-ramp (Exit 140) was going to open to traffic tonight but further paving work needs to be completed before it can be opened permanently to traffic. It will open Friday night for motorists to use as the planned detour this weekend for closures noted in NR 21-208.

Once the additional pavement work is scheduled, another release will share that information and any updates on how this delay might impact the schedule of closing and demolishing the I-30 eastbound off-ramp to Highway 10, Cantrell Road, and Clinton Avenue (Exit 141A) ramp covered in NR 21-216.

Additional travel information can be found at IDriveArkansas.com or ARDOT.gov. You can also follow us on Twitter @IDriveArkansas for traffic and @myARDOT for everything else.


Contact: Krista Guthrie

NR 21-203

July 7, 2021