Emergency Repairs to Bridge on Highway 261 Near Caldwell Require Immediate Closure

ST. FRANCIS COUNTY | January 31, 2025

As of Thursday, January 30, crews were required to temporarily close the bridge over the L’Anguille River on Highway 261 near Caldwell following a routine bridge inspection. The bridge will be closed around the clock daily until Friday, February 21 at 5 p.m.

Weather permitting, the closure will allow crews to repair the substructure of the bridge. The highway will remain open to local traffic only on either side of the closure.

Digital message boards, construction barrels, barricades, and signage will be in place to notify motorists of the closures.

Additional travel information can be found at IDriveArkansas.com or ARDOT.gov.   

Media Contact: Dave Parker
[email protected]

NR 25-025

January 31, 2025