Emergency Repairs to Interstate 40 Bridge Require Alternating Lane Closures near Forrest City

Contact: Krista Sides
NR 20-312
October 9, 2020

ST. FRANCIS COUNTY (10-9) – Emergency repairs to the Interstate 40 bridge over Crow
Creek near Forrest City will require temporary lane closures, according to Arkansas
Department of Transportation (ARDOT) officials.

Weather permitting, crews will alternatingly close the eastbound and westbound outside
lanes of Interstate 40 between Forrest City (Exit 241) and Crow Creek (mile marker 243).
This closure will begin at 8:00 a.m. on Monday, October 12 and will recur daily from
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. every Monday through Thursday. The repair work is expected to
take three weeks to complete.

Traffic will be controlled by traffic cones, message boards, and signage. Drivers should exercise caution when approaching and traveling through all highway work zones. Additional travel information can be found at IDriveArkansas.com or ARDOT.gov. You can also follow us on Twitter @myARDOT.