Repair Work Requires Closure of Highway 25 near Lynn

LAWRENCE COUNTY (2-22) – Repair work requires closure of State Highway 25 near Lynn,
according to Arkansas Department of Transportation (ARDOT) officials.

Weather permitting; State Highway 25 will be closed approximately 1.6 miles north of Lynn
starting on Monday, February 25 at 8:00 a.m. and continuing through Thursday,
February 28 at 5:00 p.m
. This closure will allow crews to replace a culvert and no through
traffic will be allowed at the culvert site. Traffic should use State Highway 117 as an alternate

Traffic will be controlled with signage and traffic barrels. Drivers should exercise caution
when approaching and traveling through all highway work zones. Additional travel
information can be found at or You can also follow us on
Twitter @myARDOT
