Local Programs

To provide a streamlined “one-stop-shop” that allows Local Public Agencies to seamlessly engage with the Department.

David Siskowski, P.E.

Division Head

Phone: (501) 435-3255
Email: [email protected]

Image of David Siskowski, head of ARDOT's Local Programs Division.

Our Mission

The Local Programs Division is driven by a clear mission: to provide a streamlined “one-stop-shop” that allows Local Public Agencies to seamlessly engage with the Department.  The Division administers the Department’s various competitive grant programs, collaborates with Arkansas’ metropolitan planning organizations, coordinates bicycle/pedestrian activities, delivers local technical assistance and training, and provides oversight and coordination for public transportation programs.

Competitive Grant Programs Include:

Intersection Improvement Program (IIP)
Local Bridge Program
National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Program
Public Transportation Federal Programs
Recreational Trails Program (RTP)
Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)

Primary Contacts in the Local Programs Division:

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