Advance Notice: Traffic Pattern Changes for I-30 Eastbound On-ramps at 9th and 6th Streets in Little Rock

PULASKI COUNTY | May 26, 2022

A new on-ramp to Interstate 30 eastbound will temporarily open to traffic at 9th Street in Little Rock in early June.

Weather permitting, the current I-30 eastbound entrance ramp at 6th Street will close and the new temporary ramp at 9th Street will open. Closing the ramp at 6th Street will allow crews to continue with construction to widen the interstate between 6th and 4th streets.

Additional information will be available a few days before the new traffic pattern begins. See map NR 22-112-A for the ramp locations.

Drivers should exercise caution when approaching and traveling through all highway work zones. A long-term and permanent travel impact interactive map is available at, along with additional project information.

Contact: Ellen Coulter

NR 22-112

May 26, 2022