The Equipment and Procurement Division initiates, advertises, negotiates, and executes all contracts for purchasing commodities, supplies, materials, furniture, equipment and personal services for the Department; and is responsible for disposing of surplus and obsolete supplies and equipment. The Division must assure that all purchasing and disposal activities comply with applicable Arkansas State Procurement Law and Regulations and with Department purchasing policies. Click here for more information on Commodities and Services Bids/Contract Information.
The Division is responsible for the overall management of the Department’s vehicle and equipment fleet (major road equipment and minor equipment). This includes identifying equipment needs, developing and monitoring compliance with preventive maintenance procedures, reviewing performance indicators through a comprehensive Equipment Management System, and providing guidance to all Department fleet users.
The Division administers the Department’s Vehicle Management Program – Verizon Reveal GPS Tracking and Engine Diagnostics System, as a tool to gain the most efficient and cost effective use of the Department’s vehicle fleet.
The Division administers the Department’s Fuel Management Program – FuelMaster and Veeder-Root, incorporating an automated fuel dispensing and accounting system providing a comprehensive inventory control and reconciliation system.
The Division administers a general use Motor Vehicle Pool, a Snow & Ice Strike Team Truck Management Program at the Central Headquarters, and operates a central warehouse and repair facility to maintain the statewide operational equipment of general administrative Divisions.
The Division administers Department Purchasing Card (P-Card) Program, and is responsible for training cardholders and reviewers, dispersing cards, monitoring and reporting, policing proper use, effecting any requisite disciplinary actions, etc., and coordinating with the Department of Transformation and Shared Services, Office of State Purchasing (TSS OSP).
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