CLAY COUNTY | July 14, 2023
Highway 1 will be closed beginning Monday, July 17 for two weeks.
ARDOT maintenance crews will replace the bridge on Highway 1, three miles east of Highway 62 near Piggott.
Both lanes of travel are expected to be closed for two weeks as maintenance crews replace the bridge with a box culvert. After the box culvert is installed, one lane of traffic will be reopened and controlled with temporary signal lights until we are able to complete the project and open both lanes of travel.
Local detour signs on county roads will be posted while work is being conducted. Drivers out of the area are asked to use Highway 62 through St. Francis City.
The full project is expected to take about six weeks.
Additional travel information can be found at or
Contact: Ellen Coulter
NR 23-233
July 14, 2023